Sunday 24 June 2012

Hillside Park

Located at Queens Ave and Orchard Way.

Why should you go to Hillside Park? Because this is the view from the tire swing:

A view like that and a tire swing is enough to sell me on a park. If you can see the view from the tire swing, that's awesome.

The rest of the playground is awesome too. It's got everything you could want in a playground from a slide, to a bridge, to a flying fox. For parents there's a bench perfectly located for supervising kids from. Plus, that tire swing view is available from the bench as well.  The bench is also good for forgetting your children's clothing on.

Just above the playground is a small plateau. Flat, grassy space is hard to come by in an area where things are named Hillside, and Hillside Park has some. It's the perfect place to kick a ball around or to extend the boundaries of a game of tag. It's even got a fence to make sure that nobody falls off the 3-foot drop.

Hillside Park sits on the site of where Hillside Secondary School used to be. It was once the perfect place to teenagers to learn, but now it's the perfect place for kids to play. It's fun, safe, and not too unpleasant for their parents. So whether you live in the area or you're looking for a change of pace from you own local playground, grab your 6-year-old and make a trip to Hillside Park.

Good: playground, view, flat field
Bad: not much shade

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